No, this is not a page where I vent what am I doing with my life (because this is only a page, not a whole book smh). This is me listing out and/or describing what I actually do for work.
( I KNOW IT’S boring but I kinda have to earn my pay yeah?)
As a Digital Producer
I am working as that digi chick in an integrated creative agency, which means I am handling any digital production brief that is coming. Sometimes, I am also helping with creative concept brief that will be outputted heavily in digital. There have been some projects where I have to also work on broadcast and TV production to support digi, such as leading a VO record for my OLV. My role does not usually come with facing clients, but being a specialist producer (their words, not mine) I am more than happy to support my agency by explaining/leading digital projects with client if it is needed.
I handle digital team in Melbourne (digi designer, dev, QA, motion editor) and I work closely with our Traffic and production team to balance out the workload across offices. I am reporting to Head of Production, and my agency also has Digital Directors which I can exchange insights as well. Digi use JIRA, which I then connect to the agency’s resource booking so any relevant party is aware of what’s on each other’s plate. Aside from the actual production, I also have to manage administrative parts in both internal and external.
As a Project Manager
In Simple, which is a SaaS, I worked as their internal Project Manager for our products to support my boss which was the Head of Product. We had a lot of clients that used our products customer to what they needed, so my job was to trafficking and balancing out (1) bugs from each clients, (2) improvement/change requests, and (3) product’s internal growth. In my time, we used Agile methodology so every fortnights, we had set plans and discussions while I also had to prepare some safety mats for other sudden requests.
In Salt and Bambu, I worked as external Project Manager which could be said as doubled as account as well. I had two major responsibilities, which were managing clients and also managing internal. Since both companies were digital agencies, all brief that came were briefs I needed to handle, even if it’s not a pure digital brief, e.g a vehicle launch where the main communication was website but we had events and TVCs supporting. However this was when I got my first solo website project. and this period was also when I was sharpening my knife in digital world.
As an Account Executive
Starting my career as an AE, I was thoroughly taught on how to communicate with clients, both in Indonesia and in Australia as well. I also learned how to write a clear brief, and how to actually conduct a clear briefing session as well. Since I was from account team, I had experienced managing a project from it was still a pitch till the it was time to deliver the handover to client.
Tools that I have been using so far
Project Management
Attlassian Suites (JIRA, Confluence)
CMS as editor
Sitecore + ContentHub
Wordpress + Elementor
assets creation
Adobe suites (PS, Premiere, Fresco)
Figma + Bannerify
Google Dynamic Display
Procreate (click here to see what I do for fun)